After inviting my former partner Caleb J. Spivak to participate in the operation of the site previously known as Repeat Atlanta, I found myself without a site. In early October, Mr. Spivak seized control of the site and I could do nothing. Now, with the site again in my sole control, please bear with me as I get things back to normal. In the short run, both this site, as well as the original one, will be operational. Soon, the two will be consolidated and you can once again look forward to being kept in the loop of Atlanta goings on with Tomorrow's News Today!
Going forward, this site will feature no advertising, paid or otherwise. Instead I will adopt a Craigslist / Wikipedia type model. A Paypal "Donate" button will be available to you, my readers to make monetary contributions. The information provided on this site is free. My time,and money go into providing my readers with useful content, and your contributions, large or small, are appreciated.
Thanks for all the good wishes and words of encouragement, especially over the past few months, you are all appreciated and I'm thrilled to have such a loyal following.
Eli Zandman